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These Management Measures have been formally adopted by the Commission and have passed through their objection period/s. NEAFC's rules of procedure allow for a period of 30 days between a measure becoming binding (ie obligatory) and entering into force so that practical preparations can be made. Measures are listed on this page when they have become binding, and so enter into force after a maximum of 30 days.
Measures adopted at the previous Annual Meeting of NEAFC will enter into force at the beginning of February. Measures listed at the beginning of January, may not be a comprehensive list for the coming year as measures can be adopted during the year by postal vote.
Measures are not binding on Contracting Parties which object. For further information contact your national fishing authority.
Measures updating the NEAFC Scheme of Control and Enforcement are incorporated into the consolidated text once their objection periods have passed and are included the list below for the year in which they come into force.
Recommendations are proposed by Contracting Parties or Permanent Committees and Working Groups of the Commission under appropriate Articles of the NEAFC Convention. Standard heading for proposals. Recommendations which are adopted are subsequently referred to as 'Measures'.
Displaying 1 - 35 of 35 documents.