Historic Measures

Measures that are no longer in force.

Displaying 201 - 250 of 340 documents.
Link to Document In force from In force to Link to content
Rec 02 2013: Mackerel 2013-02-08 2013-12-31 view
Rec 03 2013: Rockall Haddock 2013-02-08 2013-12-31 view
Rec 04 2013: Deep-sea Species 2013-02-08 2013-12-31 view
Rec 05 2013: Blue Ling Seasonal Closure 2013-02-08 2016-12-31 view
Rec 06 2013: Orange Roughy 2013-02-08 2014-12-31 view
Rec 07 2013: Deep-sea Sharks 2013-02-08 2016-12-31 view
Rec 08 2013: Edora Bank VME Closure 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 09 2013: Hatton Rockall VME Closures 2013-02-08 2015-12-31 view
Rec 10 2013: Providing VMS Data to ICES 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 10 2013: Making VMS Data available to ICES 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 11 2013: Security and Confidentiality 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 12 2013: Amendment to Threshold Levels for defining VMEs (Corals and Sponges) 2013-02-08 2013-12-31 view
Rec 13 2013: Scheme Changes: Error Codes Amending Recommendation 10: 2012 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 14 2013: Amending Recommendation 2: 2011 - WGStats Quota Reports 2013-02-08 2013-12-31 view
Rec 15 2013: Scheme Changes: Article 13 Communications of Transhipments and Port of Landing 2013-02-08 2013-02-08 view
Rec 12 2012: Joint NEAFC/NAFO AGDC 2012-08-27 2012-08-27 view
Rec 11 2012: Mackerel 2012-07-08 2012-12-31 view
Rec 01 2012: Blue Whiting 2012-02-03 2012-12-31 view
Rec 02 2012: Redfish in ICES Areas I and II (Norwegian Sea) 2012-02-03 2012-12-31 view
Rec 03 2012: Herring 2012-02-03 2012-12-31 view
Rec 04 2012: Basking Shark 2012-02-03 2014-12-31 view
Rec 05 2012: Spurdogs 2012-02-03 2014-12-31 view
Rec 06 2012: Porbeagle 2012-02-03 2014-12-31 view
Rec 07 2012: Deep-sea Sharks 2012-02-03 2012-12-31 view
Rec 09 2012: Cancellation Report and Changes to Security Attachment (Appendix 1 to Annex IX) 2012-02-03 2012-02-03 view
Rec 10 2012: Scheme Changes: Error Codes as Amended by Recommendation 10: 2013 2012-02-03 2012-02-03 view
Rec 08 2012: Closing certain areas to protect VMEs 2012-02-03 2012-12-31 view
Rec pv 2011: Postal Vote on Redfish in the Irminger Sea 2011-06-28 2014-12-31 view
Rec pv 2011: Postal Vote on Mackerel 2011-04-30 2011-12-31 view
Rec 15 2011: Bottom Fishing 2011-02-20 2011-12-31 view
Rec na 2011: Consolidated text of all NEAFC recommendations on regulating bottom fishing as Amended by Recomendation 12 2013 2011-02-20 2014-09-11 view
Rec 14 2011: Extension to Hatton Rockall closures to protect Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems 2011-02-12 2011-12-31 view
Rec 01 2011: Blue Whiting 2011-03-11 2011-12-31 view
Rec 03 2011: Redfish in ICES Areas I & II (excepting the period 15 August to 30 November) 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec 04 2011: Rockall Haddock 2011-02-05 2012-12-31 view
Rec 05 2011: Herring 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec 06 2011: Basking Shark 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec 07 2011: Spurdog 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec 08 2011: Porbeagle 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec 09 2011: Changes to the NEAFC Scheme - Annex 8 (5) POS message 2011-02-05 2011-02-05 view
Rec 10 2011: Changes to Appendix 1 to Annex IV of the NEAFC Scheme 2011-03-07 2011-03-07 view
Rec 11 2011: Changes to Article 10 (Reporting of Catches) of the NEAFC Scheme 2011-02-05 2011-02-05 view
Rec 12 2011: Changes to Article 22 (Prior Notice of Entry into Port) of NEAFC Scheme 2011-02-05 2011-02-05 view
Rec 13 2011: Redfish in the Irminger Sea 2011-02-05 2011-12-31 view
Rec pv 2010: Postal Vote: New and Existing Fishing Areas 2010-10-30 2010-10-30 view
Rec pv 2010: Mackerel 2010 Postal Vote 2010-08-17 2010-08-17 view
Rec 01 2010: Blue Whiting 2010 2010-02-06 2010-12-31 view
Rec 02 2010: Redfish in the Irminger Sea 2010 2010-03-03 2010-12-31 view
Rec 03 2010: Redfish in ICES Areas I and II in 2010 2010-02-06 2010-12-31 view
Rec 04 2010: Rockall Haddock Box 2010 2010-02-06 2010-12-31 view
